Monday, September 24, 2012

We had company visit us yesterday. Ruff's two best friends.

Well, Bev and Rich are our best friends, too, even though Ruff thinks they belong to him whenever they visit. Ruff's Auntie Bev has been training him to act a bit more restrained when she comes over. Seems to be working - but only for her. Bev simply folds her arms across her chest and turns her back away from Ruff whenever he gets too playful and the not-too-subtle hint of disapproval doesn't go unnoticed. Rich, on the other hand, thoroughly enjoys Ruff's playfulness, and the kisses. Well, we all had a good time with their visit as the pictures tell.


1 comment:

  1. James, I don't have the time to join or follow social communities like yours or Facebook. I'll leave the honor of publicizing Living With Rottweilers to you. If you think your members would enjoy seeing my photos and reading about my Rottweilers then go and tell them about us.
