Saturday, July 6, 2013

More things to do on a rainy day. The deluge continues.

Ruffin woke me up around 8 AM this morning with an urgent, "I gotta go real bad" cry. The first sound I heard when I got out of bed was the rain pounding on the roof. When I got to the back door and opened it, Ruff had a change of heart. He wouldn't even stick his nose outside. So I went back to the bedroom and got dressed and offered to take him out front and cover him with my umbrella. The big wimp acted like he was afraid of the water. Since I was now fully dressed I went out and retrieved the newspaper before it floated away and came in and ate breakfast. Ruff was still doing a dance and after an hour or so I got him and Axl and Sassy to take a quick pee break on the front lawn. Then I dried everyone off with a towel.

The rain continued for several hours and I decided to spend my time reading the news and checking my emails. Then after lunch I spotted this cozy scene in the family room. That big Rottweiler really knows how to sleep.



  1. He looks quite content!


  2. Replies
    1. Thank you. I often feel like they own the place and let us humans live there so we can cater to them. This gives us the advantage of an intimate look into how they really are: relaxed, confident, funny, playful, caring and loving. And each of them has their own personality.
