Over the course of recent weeks I have been spending a lot of time on my Facebook page. I am so much in love with Rottweilers that I get a lot of enjoyment looking at how other people live with their own Rottweilers. And, of course, I love sharing my photos and stories with them, too. And especially reading their comments.
I am usually on Facebook late at night and sign off just before going to bed. Because I only follow a few groups devoted to Rottweilers I decided to post a photo of one of my Rotts when then were sleeping each time I said Good Night. The humorous connection being the sleeping Rottweiler was a sign it was time to go to bed.
Well, I realized I would have to start collecting my photos of sleeping Rotts to save time scrolling through the tens of thousands of photos each night. And I was surprise at how many photos of them sleeping I had. It would seem this is their favorite pass time. So take a look at what I collected and be forewarned, just as a yawn is highly contagious so is a sleeping Rottweiler so you may feel yourself getting drowsy.
And way back in the good old days when Axl was still able to get up on his mom's bed, my wife Jacqueline would cover him up with his own blanket and he would sleep on his own pillow next to her's.
They are both gone now and we miss them both very much. All that's left now are old man Ruffin and young girl Bess. They both sleep in my room and snore all night long.