Wednesday, August 22, 2018

A few difficult months but hopefuly it is behind us

Up until a few weeks ago I had no excuse for not posting anything new. I will try and make up for that now. I will save the best for last.

On July 1st Bessie had her 4th birthday and like all birthdays we had a party. We all shared a sumptuous home-made meatloaf with mashed potato icing.

Bessie and Ruff have been following me around the house every day. The kitchen seems to be their favorite room in the house. I am so honored that they love my cooking so much. As the photos above show, Ruff always does an amazing job cleaning his bowl. In those photos he was sharing my meatloaf birthday cake.

When I am spending time in the den on the computer Ruff and Bessie keep me company. When they are together they give each other lots of love and kisses. And they take lots of naps. I am always soothed when I am listening to their soft snoring sounds. Except when they follow me into the living room to watch a movie.
Then I started having some heart problems. My Primary Care Physician told me I should see a Cardiologist and I did and he took an EKG and it showed a spike he didn't like. So he ordered me a heart monitor to wear. The heart monitor that I was wearing last week picked up a heart block and alerted my cardiologist who called me last Friday and told me to go to the Emergency Room. The ER did an EKG and confirmed the heart block and they did an Angiogram followed by the surgery to implant the Pacemaker. My only problem now is the pain in my left arm anf the limited range of motion. I got to fully appreciate that this morning when I got dressed. It was almost impossible to put on a pair of socks and tie my shoe laces.

A few months ago I met a wonderful woman who was actively involved in a local Christian church. The meeting was accidental. I needed help with my outside landscaping so I posted a Help Wanted notice on a local FB Group. I included my phone number and the next day I got a phone call I will never forget.

"My name is Elizabeth, I am 16 years old. I have worked on a farm and I am strong."

Elizabeth was the only one who responded to my ad. She doesn't drive so her mother brought her over. She worked harder than all of the boys I hired last year. And in spite of being a lightweight she was strong. And unlike the boys I hired before her, she kept coming back for more.

Then an amazing thing happened. Elizabeth's mother Rachel began volunteering her help, too. When I needed to get mulch for the landscaping her mother offered to borrow a trailer from her church an go buy the mulch and deliver it. And over two weeks she and her husband did this three times.

Last week when the cardiologist called and told me to go to the Emergency Room I told him I couldn't do that because I had no one to watch my two Rottweilers, Bessie and Ruffin. Then I called Rachel and told her my problem. She didn't hesitate for a moment to offer her help. Rachel drove me to the hospital with her daughter and they stayed with me for 5 hours until I was admitted. And for the five days I was in the hospital they came and took care of Ruff and Bessie several times each day.

Ruffin and Bessie hit it off right away with Elizabeth and Rachel. I received daily updates from Rachel and she even made a video of Elizabeth playing with both of the Rotts. I knew I couldn't stay in the hospital much longer when Rachel told me that Ruff was starting to miss me. The cardiologist implanted the pacemaker on Monday, the day before I came home. On the same day Rachel told me that Ruffin had stopped eating.

Yesterday, Rachel picked me up and brought me home. She went into the house first and took Bessie out back so I could see my best friend Ruff. And that was some greeting. Ruff smothered me with kisses for about 5 minutes. Then Rachel brought Bessie in the house and we did the same thing all over. Both Ruff and Bess spent the entire day with me to make sure I wasn't going to leave them any more.

I am so glad I met and made friends with Rachel and Elizabeth. Whatever it is that they teach them at their church, they have shown me a new meaning to Christian charity. And I am convinced that there are Angels that walk among us.

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