Saturday, September 29, 2018

Kisses from Griffin is like deja vu all over again

Griffin is the only Rottweiler I ever had who gave me as many kisses as Ruffin. Most of the time the kisses are just little gestures of love. Like these.
But quite often those kisses are not as gentle. I wrote today on my Facebook page:
I have just been attacked by a psychopathic kissing Rott. I did nothing to instigate this. This animal is the strongest and stealthiest attacker I have ever encountered. I was sitting at the computer when he comes into my den with his crazy girlfriend and the next thing I know he has a foot in my lap. Within a second he is on top of me and I am having great difficulty laughing and trying to take his picture at the same time. Then he almost broke my eyeglasses in the crush. The photos aren't the greatest but they show the quick sequence of events.

Bedroom battles.
Bess has become a finicky friend. She makes me wonder if she ever really wanted to sleep on my bed when Ruff was alive. I used to keep the bedroom door closed after we went to bed so Ruff couldn't wander around the house and maybe get hurt. Now that Griffin sleeps on my bed every night I keep the door open and Bess has decided to sleep on the couch. 

This morning when I woke up Griff was sleeping at the foot of the bed and Bess came in and jumped up on the bed and laid down by my pillow. Griff didn't like anyone laying in one of his spots so he stood up and came over and laid down on top of Bess and effectively shoved her out of the way. Bess then went to the foot of the bed and took up her usual spot before we got Griffin.
And Bess is enjoying her new friend very much. She spends hours playing with Griffin both indoors and outside. She hasn't run around this much in years.

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