Sunday, March 31, 2019

LIVING WITH ROTTWEILERS Named #3 in Top Ten Rottweiler Blogs

I am both humbled and proud to have received this acknowledgement. 

LIVING WITH ROTTWEILERS has been named #3 in Best Rottweiler Blogs on the Planet.

Top 10 Rottweiler Blogs Winners

CONGRATULATIONS to every blogger that has made this Top Rottweiler Blogs list! This is the most comprehensive list of best Rottweiler blogs on the internet and I’m honoured to have you as part of this! I personally give you a high-five and want to thank you for your contribution to this world.

We need to take a stand for man's best friend

I came across this meme on Facebook the other day. In one short sentence it says everything you need to know about people and dogs. Animal abuse should be vigorously prosecuted for one important reason. It has been shown that many people who abuse animals go on later to kill people.

STOP Breed Specific Legislation.

I have owned Rottweilers since 1995 and I think my experience with them has given me some personal knowledge of their true nature. My second and third Rottweilers were both adults who had been passed through three homes before I got them. While they were last owned by my daughter, they were technically rescued dogs, but they adapted to their new home and quickly filled it with love simply because that is how we treated them. If you treat any dog with love and respect and affection they will return that love to you and everyone else ten fold. On the other hand Rottweilers and all dogs for that matter, have something in common with children. If you abuse them and mistreat them they will respond by becoming mean and vicious. Show me a vicious dog, of any breed, and I will show you an owner who doesn't give his dog any love. Some people, I like to refer to them as the "Joe six-pack" people, enjoy having the meanest, most vicious dog in the neighborhood - just for the bragging rights. These people are as dangerous to society as the dogs they own. 
I wrote a Guest Editorial on this subject for the Kentucky Enquirer that was published on July 25, 2008.
Most lawmakers who write ordinances against specific breeds of dogs do so as a result of some emotional incident that has raised the ire of the public. They write these laws without bothering to do any research into animal behavior or temperament. There is a source for such scientific research that has been around for many years, it is the American Temperament Test Society and they have compiled a list of over 30,000 tests done over every breed of dog since 1977. You should note what these temperament tests consist of and how they are conducted and then read the percentage ratings of some of the common dogs that get a lot of media coverage. How interesting is it that the popular Jack Russell Terrier has less temperament than the Rottweiler. Anyone interested in reading these results can look them up on the ATTS web site. Click here:
I have a simple solution that would eliminate many dog bite incidents. Following a dog bit incident, check the owner of the dog and the way the dog has been treated and then prosecute the dog owner for making his dog vicious. It won't be long before Joe six-pack gets the message that he'll go to jail if he raises a vicious dog.  If your town or city doesn't have such a crime on the books then push your lawmakers into making it a crime for mistreating an animal and causing it to become vicious. Dogs don't become vicious all by themselves anymore than Guns Kill People. And leave those nice families alone who have provided their pets with all the love and kindness they require.
If you want some proof about the true nature of dogs read about the famous case of NFL player Michael Vick. Michael Vick was convicted of conducting dog fights and went to jail, but his dogs, at least the one's who were rescued alive were rehabilitated by a group that simply cared and showed them some love and then these so-called vicious Pit Bulls were adopted by ordinary families. Read the story here:

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Some memories, good and bad.

Two years ago my beloved Jacqueline ended her long battle with Alzheimer's. Our love was very strong for the 56 years we were together so I am confidant she is waiting for me along with our departed companions, Nikko Bear, Felony Bear, Mocha Bear, Sassy, Axl and Ruffin.

It has occurred to me on more than one occasion that when poets, romance novelists and song writers try to explain what love is they all use words like, two hearts that were intertwined or two souls bonded together. What they never get right is what the feeling is like when a loved one dies. When death separates two hearts that have spent 56 years growing together it feels like one of those hearts was torn apart and ripped from my chest. 
The romantics say, Life goes on, and maybe it does but it doesn't charge ahead at full speed. The healing process doesn't happen overnight. It takes years and years and maybe never to get over the loss.
I am so glad that I have Bessie and Griffin to keep me company. When they are indoors they almost never leave my side. This explains why almost all of my photos are taken in my den. And nothing makes my sorry broken heart feel better than to see these two in love.
Late last night just before bedtime. Bess wanted to play ball with Griffin and kept shoving the ball in his face. But Griff had other things on his mind, he wanted to give her kisses. In the end Bessie won.

Its very difficult to feel sadness when they are around.