Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Some memories, good and bad.

Two years ago my beloved Jacqueline ended her long battle with Alzheimer's. Our love was very strong for the 56 years we were together so I am confidant she is waiting for me along with our departed companions, Nikko Bear, Felony Bear, Mocha Bear, Sassy, Axl and Ruffin.

It has occurred to me on more than one occasion that when poets, romance novelists and song writers try to explain what love is they all use words like, two hearts that were intertwined or two souls bonded together. What they never get right is what the feeling is like when a loved one dies. When death separates two hearts that have spent 56 years growing together it feels like one of those hearts was torn apart and ripped from my chest. 
The romantics say, Life goes on, and maybe it does but it doesn't charge ahead at full speed. The healing process doesn't happen overnight. It takes years and years and maybe never to get over the loss.
I am so glad that I have Bessie and Griffin to keep me company. When they are indoors they almost never leave my side. This explains why almost all of my photos are taken in my den. And nothing makes my sorry broken heart feel better than to see these two in love.
Late last night just before bedtime. Bess wanted to play ball with Griffin and kept shoving the ball in his face. But Griff had other things on his mind, he wanted to give her kisses. In the end Bessie won.

Its very difficult to feel sadness when they are around.


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