Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Blame it on the Winter Blahs

I guess it is hopeless to try and make up for the 6-week blackout of posts. Too many causes to begin to shake a stick at including some health issues and lousy weather.

The only thing that hasn't changed around here is that I have continued taking new photos of my two best friends, even if they have all been taken indoors. So I'm just going to post a ton of pictures and add a few comments.

Last month I got a little older, and believe me, I am starting to feel it. I made myself a Rottweiler-styled meatloaf birthday cake, and shared it with Bess and Griff. The store didn't have any "9's" so I had to improvise.
On the news on December 30th a reporter gave some hints about buying a new car and he mentioned that the absolutely best day of the year to buy one was on New Year's Eve. The last day of the month and the year. The other good point he mentioned was don't become distracted by all the little add-on prices. You should only talk about about one price, the "out the door price" that includes everything, even the Sales Tax. So besides needing something to cheer me up I had been giving this some thought for several months and decided to see what it would cost. I can say one thing, Yes, it works. I traded in my 10-year old Toyota Sienna XL with 70K miles that was used to haul everything and was surprised that the dealer gave me $1000 over the book value for a trade in. After some heated negotiations I came home with a 2019 Toyota Sienna XLE with all leather interior for $11,000 less than the sticker price. And I am very happy. It is the first new car I've had in over 20 years.
And the first thing I did was move the wood box insert that I made 25 years ago for my original 1998 Ford Windstar minivan so Bess and Griff wouldn't mess up the nice seats. And Bess and Griff seem to like it.
This photo shows my first two Rottweilers Nikko and Mocha riding in the car.
During the very cold days this past month we have all stayed indoors and that means nothing but playtime. I am somewhat honored to learn that I am an integral part of all the Rottweiler games. As I spend most of my days in front of the computer their games always seem to begin in my lap or under my desk.

As far as our weather goes this last month almost became a repeat of January 1994 when we had a record low of -24° F. I was so concerned about frostbite that I went and bought some winter coats for Bess and Griff. They seemed to accept them without any problem and I only put them on them when the temperature dropped to Zero or colder.

And finally, at night we have spent a lot of time together watching movies on television. As you would have guessed, it always turned into an opportunity for some playtime. This particular set of photos was taken last night while watching or trying to watch President Trump give his State of the Union address to Congress.

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