Saturday, June 29, 2019

One of the best stories from the good old days.

In the later half of the 1990s my wife and I had settled in to our little old house in Kentucky and were just learning how to cope with 3 adult Rottweilers and 6 cats. We quickly learned that one of the prime directives of our Rottweilers second only to food was making friends with people they never met before. And the big male, Nikko Bear, was the most outgoing Rottweiler we had. So one day we were all out in the backyard and suddenly I spot Nikko heading up the hill in the back. The woman who lived behind us had just come home from the store and was carrying groceries into the house and propped her kitchen door open. I raced up the hill to catch him but by the time I got there he had already crossed our neighbor's backyard and had gone up her steps and followed her into her house. When I got there I heard her exclaim, "Well hello there, where did you come from?" So I introduced myself and made apologies for the unwanted intrusion. As we left she said, "He's a very friendly dog." This is Nikko and the woman's house is just to the right of the big tree in the background.


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