Saturday, June 19, 2010

Ruff thinks he is a lap dog.

When you live with Rottweilers and you love them as much as we do, you have to expect they will love you back. As big and strong as they are they sometimes don't seem to know it. Yesterday, Ruff seemed to be in an especially amorous mood. He started off in the morning by climbing up in my lap while I was working on the computer and gave me several minutes of non-stop kisses. Only after I had to push him away so I could catch my breath did he stop. 

Then later that afternoon Ruff got in the mood again while we were sitting in the family room watching television. This time he managed to do what he couldn't do when I was sitting at my desk. He climbed up on my lap and laid down to give me more kisses. Ruff is no lightweight. He weighs 115 lbs and this was the first time he ever put his entire body weight on top of me. He also likes to put his paws on my shoulders to hold me down so I can't escape his kisses.
As I have said many times before, Rottweilers are a lot of fun and living with them is quite an experience. Raise them with love and kindness and they give it back ten times over.


  1. Rotties are the best Dogs in the world...I want one so much,not even one,but 2!2 Boys,who would make a Family dream come true:)

    1. Chris, I started with one, then I lived with three and whenever I am in a large room I want to fill it with a few more. You are right, they are the best dogs in the world.
