Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The absolutely best Rottweiler gift I've ever seen.

Alright now, who doesn't agree that Love Is Living With Rottweilers?

A few weeks ago I was looking for a special baby gift to give to a friend and I came upon a company in New Jersey that made the most adorable plush toys and offered the option of custom embroidery. If you are in the market for something huge or something small then you must check out Big Plush. In the process of placing my order I decided to add a big red heart with the message: Love Is Living With Rottweilers, just because the mother-to-be was not only a friend but also a fan of the blog and owned a Rottweiler. In the course of dealing with Big Plush I got to talk to a lovely lady named Melinda who ran the Customer Service line and also to the owner of the company Mike Matuska. That's what kind of a company this is. 
Before they sent me the finished product Melinda even emailed me a photo of herself holding my new Rottweiler along with another photo of my customized heart before they attached it to the toy. The custom heart and embroidery cost only an additional $20. What makes this such a special gift is the Rottweiler is attached to a 3 ft. wide grass mat and I could just picture it at the foot of a baby's crib.
The finished order arrived today and I just want to show you the pictures I took tonight. And I forgot to mention, it comes with a big red rose in the Rottweilers mouth. How is that for love. I could have had the heart attached to the grass mat under the Rotties face but I decided to have them sew it on the the dog's butt.

 That rose is made of soft fabric but it looks so real you can almost smell it.
Here are some professional photos of this plush toy that came from the Big Plush web site. I do not know the names of the two pretty girls, but I was told they are models, not employees.

I took this photo and pasted my design for the heart to show them where I wanted it attached.
As I keep looking at these pictures it occurred to me that the red heart could almost be a brand logo for this blog. I can't think think of a more appropriate message because every day I see the love in my three Rottweilers and every time I read a comment sent to me I can tell that every Rottweiler owner feels the same way that I do. So let me say it one more time:
This blog does not run any ads but I feel free to heap praise on any product related to dogs that I may find. And while I haven't done that often, this is one item that I think you may want to consider for a Christmas present. You can use that same love message if you want because I don't think you can trademark the word LOVE and I'm not going to. The Big Plush web site offers other special features besides custom embroidery and you can have a ribbon included with any message you want and some of their plush toys can have recorded messages in your voice. They list the plush Rottweiler for under $75 and it includes free shipping. Go ahead and make someone happy. Send the nice lady an email or call them on the phone at 1-800-238-9481 and visit their web site and look over the largest plush toys you'll ever see.



  1. What a sweet, thoughtful gift! It looks amazing.

    1. I think I should have mentioned that this plush Rottie would look just as good on someone's bed and not just in a crib.

    2. Oh, it most definitely would!

      Although, my new Rottie pup would likely use it as a chew toy :)

  2. I think it is AWESOME... AMAZING and Wonderful all at the same time
    Hi Nelson, I should be running on all cylinders now, or ram or whatever emails work on now days. ;-) Ill be in touch shortly.
    Have a super awesome day

    1. Hi, Flee, thought I lost you for awhile. While you were away I should tell you that I have been working on Plan C. You already know about Plan A and Plan B. $$$$$
