Friday, January 26, 2018

Some of my favorite photos

I'm just reminiscing over some old photos and some that are not so old, and wanted to share them with you. These Rottweilers have filled my home with so much love.

I really love the old man who was always resting on the right side of the couch when I took photos. But I really, really love the other two on the left. This is December 2014. Old man Axl died in January 2017.
And these two have brought more joy to my life than all of my other Rottweilers. But that observation may be a bit too subjective since now I need more joy than I ever did before.
The Rottweiler on the left in this photo taken in September 2009 (a month after we got him) is Axl who was 7 years old when we adopted him. He lived with us until he was almost 16 years old. The one on the right is Ruffin, the only Rott I ever bought from a breeder. Ruff is now going on 12 years.
This amazing old Rottweiler became Jacqueline's constant companion.

So many smiles, so much love.

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