Saturday, February 20, 2010

Scenes of Winter with our Rottweilers

We have set a record for snow here in Northern Kentucky. In just the month of February we have had an accumulation of 23.6 inches of snow which is more than the average amount of snow for the entire year. To add to our enjoyment or distress, depending on how you must deal with this, the temperature has remained below freezing for the first 19 days of the month which resulted in most of the snow to remain on the ground. One fact that is obvious to us is that our Rottweilers are having the time of their lives going outdoors numerous times each day to play. Here are a few photos of our Rottie family enjoying the snow.
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This is Axl, our 8-year old rescued Rott standing on the rear deck. In spite of looking like a Rottie icicle he is very happy.

This is Ruff chasing Axl around our frozen swimming pool in front of the diving board. And another shot of them exploring. There is nothing to worry about. The pool has three layers of safety covers.
After the snow had stopped falling I captured this photo of Ruff when we took everyone out for their nighttime pees before they went to bed. I used the Aperture Priority setting on the camera to use available light with no flash. If you're interested in the technical stuff, in Aperture Priority mode the camera adjusts all the settings based on available light, which in this case the light meter was centered on the house light. The shutter speed was 1/6 second, the ISO got kicked up to 1600 and the f/ stop was 3.5. It all made for a very dramatic image.
The next day we went down to the back of the property for some fun. 

Ruff and Axl began horsing around and judging by the stern look on Sassy's face she did not approve of it. Sassy doesn't like the boys to play rough and always jumps in to make them stop.
And Sassy charged right at Ruff and he was so startled he fell in the snow trying to get away from her. By the way, there never is any fighting in our Rottweiler family. Sassy weighs 40 lbs less than Ruff but he respects her seniority and her authority whenever she exercises it.
So while Sassy sat beneath a tree the boys went for a chase on their own and a little more play.
Our three year Ruff has always been a bundle of energy and really needed another big dog to play with. When we adopted Axl last August, in spite of his age, he became the best thing that ever happened to Ruff. They are best friends and play with each other every day. Even in the house.

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